
Formnext – Hub für Additive Manufacturing

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AM Panel

Supported by Ceramic Applications

For the complex portfolio of cermic powders, many AM technologies have been developed and some are still in the R+D status. But AM has also in ceramics now entering industrial production. Representatives from industry and institutes will assess the potential of AM compared to established other shaping technologies and present achievments of AM for this industry segment.

The speakers are:
Richard Gaignon, CEO, 3DCeram
Dr. Holger Friedrich, Group Leader Ceramics, Fraunhofer ISC, Center for High Temperature Materials and Design HTL
Iris Heibel, Sales Manager, grow platform GmbH - Bosch Advanced Ceramics
Dr.-Ing. Tassilo Moritz, Head of Department, 3Dceram Sinto
Dr. Steffen Walter, Head of Production & Process Development, Alumina Systems GmbH


  • Werkstoffe und Halbzeuge
  • Lösungen für die Additive Fertigung