
Formnext – Hub für Additive Manufacturing

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Expert Insight

Introduction to the AM market with the Formnext AM Field Guide

Additive processes are on everyone's lips. Especially in the last few years, the field of additive manufacturing has experienced an incredible boost. On the one hand, low-cost consumer printers have become widespread in the so-called "maker scene", offering a variety of new manufacturing possibilities. On the other hand, additive manufacturing has become indispensable in the industrial environment, and a large number of processes have become established in very different application areas.

Even experts find it difficult to keep track of this multitude of processes. New processes are constantly being developed and published. The 'AM Field Guide' presents these new processes in a structured way and concentrates on the most important and market-relevant technologies. It shows in a general way the multiple fields of application.

The speaker is:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Ritter, Reutlingen University


  • Lösungen für die Additive Fertigung